Picnic Point Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago

Picnic Point Public School has a student enrolment of 408 students with 57% having a language background other than English. The school has a culture of high expectations and provides an educational environment focused on students being offered extensive and meaningful learning opportunities that provide challenge for all. The programs offered at the school are underpinned by Visible Learning practices and include literacy, numeracy, the arts, sports and gifted and talented education in all mainstream classes and the Opportunity Class. The school, staff and community are committed to the pursuit of excellence in all areas, with a focus on each student reaching their own personal best.  Picnic Point PS is recognised as a leader for its effective practices and continuous improvement, and its active support of other schools. All programs are delivered in a caring and creative environment, underpinned by strong curriculum, pedagogy and student wellbeing initiatives where students are supported to bravely take risks as they learn and grow.

02 97737817
02 97923913
Thomas St
Picnic Point
New South Wales
Thomas St
