Make Your Mark

School services / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

The Make Your Mark website is one key tool in efforts to widen participation in further education. It provides information and introduces useful resources to people considering higher education, with the aim of raising their awareness of, and building aspirations towards tertiary study – whether that’s through university, vocational education and training or attending a private college.

Make Your Mark has been developed as part of the Bridges to Higher Education Project. Bridges to Higher Education is a consortium of five Sydney universities working collaboratively to widen participation in university – University of Western Sydney, University of Sydney, University of Technology, Sydney, Australian Catholic University and Macquarie University.

Together they gained a grant in Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) funding from the Commonwealth Government to improve participation rates of students in higher education.

Rebecca Milne, Senior Executive Officer, Bridges to Higher Education
New South Wales

