Inside Out Education

Incursion / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

Inside Out Education is taking a multi-pronged approach to the problem of bullying, using role play, story telling and explicit teaching to deliver its message across school communities.

Despite the recent upsurge of media attention and community concern, bullying remains a widespread phenomenon. The statistics tell us that one in five children will have an experience of bullying at the primary school level, the effects of which can range from short-term loss of confidence and self-esteem, to long-term depression and worse.

The isolation and exclusion that often accompanies a target of bullying can, in some cases, create an ongoing inability to form strong and healthy relationships.

Attempting to understand the underlying factors that create this issue, and address them, is therefore a large and important task. At Inside Out Education, we approach this problem by offering programs that can educate the whole school community: teachers, parents and  students.

Creating a shared understanding is widely recognised as creating the most effective school outcomes. As such, we have a variety of programs we present for this purpose.

The programs are presented as modules that can be delivered separately to any section of the school community or together as a whole school approach.

Our student program for primary schools is sequentially tiered to cater for all the age groups: Prep to 2 Cool Calm Kids; Years 3 to 4 Resilient Kids; Years 5 to 6 Empowered Kids; Buddy Program, for Preps and their Year 5/6 buddies; parent information evening; and staff professional development.

We use role play, story telling and explicit teaching in our presentations. The sessions are fun and energetic, as well as practical and informative. We have two facilitators in every session and involve the students as much as possible to maximise their learning.

Inside Out Education was established in 1997 and is now offering its Bully Busters program into schools throughout Victoria, northern New South Wales and southern Queensland.


  • “The best wellbeing incursion we have ever had!,” Year 1 teacher, Berwick Chase
  • “Lots of great ideas and discussion topics were introduced at your teacher PD. We already use restorative practices, but to have someone come in from the outside really helped us to think things through properly,” teacher, Greenvale Primary
  • “Great session! Honest and truthful and some things really hit home for the children,” Year 5 teacher, Mother Theresa Primary
  • “Thank you again for your cutting edge program… our son has subsequently used the skills presented in the school playground and frequently refers to the [program],” psychologist, Marcella Reiter
  • “... insightful and interactive … the strategies are now being displayed in the yard and classrooms when necessary. I recommend the program to schools and parents,” principal, Our Holy Redeemer
PO Box 231
