Carlingford West Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

Carlingford West Public School was established in 1967 and is located within the Hills district and the federal electorate of Parramatta. The school is set in a quiet residential location and features include spacious and leafy surrounds. Student enrolment numbers are currently 1529. 95% of our students are from a non–English speaking background and represent a wide variety of cultural groups, primarily Chinese, Korean and Indian. Chinese and Korean community language programs are offered to students. The schools technology policy supports iPad technology and the development of future focused learning. The school provides opportunities for students to participate in a large variety of sporting and cultural pursuits in addition to our academic programs. Extra curricula activities are available in areas such as table tennis, running club, tennis, art and chess. Students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through participation in the Student Representative Council, Buddy Patrol and House Captains roles. The school has a strong focus on the social and emotional wellbeing of all students. Parents value education and are very supportive of the school and its programs.

02 98717187
02 98722081
Felton Rd
New South Wales
Felton Rd
