Bellbird Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago

Bellbird Public School has a current enrolment of 254 students of which 16% identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The school is located 5km West of Cessnock and serves a diverse community, with 74% of students falling in the bottom two quarters of the Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI), attracting significant RAM equity funding which is used to support a range of educational and wellbeing initiatives. It is a proud member of the Cessnock Community of Great Public Schools (CCGPS) which work to collaboratively deliver quality outcomes across the 15 local public schools.

As a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, a focus on student wellbeing underpins a positive learning environment, in which experienced and early career teachers work together collaboratively to provide quality teaching and learning experiences for students.

Through involvement in the Early Action for Success (EAfS) and Bump it Up (BIU) initiatives, explicit, differentiated teaching of literacy and numeracy skills is at the centre of all teaching and learning programs. The school utilises STEM to improve student engagement across a range of KLA’s and equip students with skills necessary in current and future learning.

Our highly skilled and collaborative staff are committed to pursuing best practice to ensure excellence in learning, teaching and leading, and work as a team to implement effective evidence based practices based on continuous assessment, monitoring and feedback.

02 49902331
02 49911973
Doyle St
New South Wales
Doyle St
