Arncliffe West Infants School

School / Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago

Arncliffe West Infants School, established in 1912, is located in the suburb of Arncliffe in Sydney's inner west with a population of 150 students. The urban renewal process has recently changed the suburb profile with a marked increase in high–rise residential developments. This rapidly changing landscape has created a diverse student population with a multicultural mix.

As one of the few Infants Schools with an on-site preschool we are able to cater for students from Preschool to Year 2, offering focused foundational learning. The school offers substantial green space with outdoor opportunities for play and sporting activities, which is of particular value to those students living in high-rise homes. The school's motto 'Grow in Friendship' encapsulates the ethos of the school where mutual respect and compassion for others is valued.

Arncliffe West Infants School collaborates closely with National Music Teacher Mentoring Program ensuring that music is an integral part of all teacher programming. The impact of our music program on student confidence and language acquisition plays a vital role in the success of our students.


The 2018-2020 school plan and 2018 Annual School Report can be accessed from our school website -

The successful applicant will commence at Arncliffe West Infants school at the beginning of 2020.

02 95677062
02 95672869
Loftus St
New South Wales
7A Loftus St
