Illawarra Sports High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago

Illawarra Sports High is a partially selective designated specialist sports high school (785 enrolments including 112 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and five autism support classes).The school draws the majority of students from the southern Wollongong suburbs, but enrols an increasing number of students from the larger Illawarra area who access specialist sports programs. Current specialist sport programs are for football, rugby league, surfing, netball, basketball, touch, rugby union and hockey. The school offers a broadly based comprehensive curriculum and has a strong record of achievements in academic, cultural and sporting pursuits. The school receives Resource Allocation Model Equity funding for Aboriginal Education, Socio-economic background, English Language Proficiency and Low Level Adjustment for Disability students.

02 42711099
02 42713511
5 Gura St
New South Wales
PO Box 78
