Francis Greenway High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago

Francis Greenway High School is located at Beresfield and serves a diverse population in the Maitland area. There are currently 714 students who attend the school, 14% of which are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and 5.3%  students are from non English speaking backgrounds.

The school forms part of the Gateway Learning Community of schools who, as a group provide a continuous path of learning for all students. In addition, we also have strong links with the University of Newcastle.

Francis Greenway High is recognised as providing an inclusive environment where students can achieve their personal best in academic, sporting, cultural, creative, leadership, performance, and social arenas.

A strong wellbeing focus is based on clear,consistent and fair boundaries, high expectations and individual recognition of success.

A strong focus on staff professional development ensures our classrooms are ones where quality teaching is assured, and where the curriculum is innovatively taught with a future focussed approach.

Parents, carers and community members are an integral part of our approach to developing the whole child. An active P&C participates in decision making and manages the school canteen. The AECG is a valuable consultative body which supports our Junior AECG.

02 49641282
02 49641147
Lawson Ave
New South Wales
Lawson Ave
