Marks Point Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago

Marks Point Public School is situated on Awabakal land on the eastern shore of Lake Macquarie and has a current enrolment of 151 students. Marks Point Public School services a wide variety of students and community members from a mixed socio-economic background with a Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) of 129. Twenty percent of our students identify as Aboriginal and 16% of our students require Individual Learning Plans to cater for disability.

Extra-curricular opportunities in Sport, Science, Technology, and Creative and Performing Arts, enable our students to excel through a range of different experiences. Our school has a combination of experienced and early career teachers. The school values its community, and is focused on maintaining and building strong partnerships with students, staff, parents and community.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. It shares the broader educational imperatives of the Assistant Principal position but with an explicit focus on the leadership of effective, evidence-based literacy and numeracy teaching and assessment practices for improved student learning outcomes across the curriculum.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction provides high support and guidance to enhance teacher growth and development in literacy and numeracy and strengthens schoolwide instructional capabilities across the curriculum for middle and senior leaders.


02 49454433
02 49477842
Findon St
Marks Point
New South Wales
2A Findon St
